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Dear Friends of Sue,

We are facing our very first fundraising deadline on Monday. As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, and it is important for me to show strong numbers in this first report. Will you please consider making a contribution of $22 or more today?


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your donation will go through immediately:

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It has been a busy week. On Monday, I participated in the kick-off of Rural Pride Week in Claremont and read a proclamation on behalf of Mayor Dale Girard at the raising of the Pride Flag at Broad Street Park. Here I am with Codi Raymond (center) of Rural Outright who is organizing Claremont's Pride festivities.


















On Tuesday, I presented a Governor's proclamation recognizing the 100th anniversary of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT) to NH's trauma medical review committee at the NH Fire Academy with Chair Dr. Erin Marin, Trauma Surgeon DHMC.














And on Wednesday, I attended the signing of HB1587 -  important legislation to support the retention of our public safety workforce. This bill will modify the calculation of average final compensation for Group II employees in the retirement system. I am proud to be a champion for labor in the state senate.















This weekend is the New Hampshire Democratic Party State Convention, and it was energizing to be together with Democrats from across the state. Here I am with the Honorable Marty Walsh, former Mayor of Boston and a lifelong champion of working families.

















Campaign season is in full swing, and we have a busy summer ahead! 

Hope you are having a great weekend,

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5

P.s. You can help my campaign by checking out our updated website and sharing it on social media. Thank you so much for your support!



Sue with Codi Raymond and Dale Girard at Claremont Pride festival
Sue with three others at the NH fire academy
Sue with a group of public safety workers and Chris Sununu
Sue Prentiss and Marty Walsh
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Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. 

6 Batchelder Ave, West Lebanon, NH 03784. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal  Agent.

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