Dear Friends of Sue,
What a week. Like all of you, I was devastated when the US Supreme Court issued its decision last week overturning Roe v. Wade.
I attended and spoke at the reproductive rights rally on the Green in Hanover and was quoted in the Valley News. And over the weekend, I launched local canvasses focused on reproductive rights right here in the Upper Valley.
I have worked hard over the past two years as reproductive rights have been under attack by the Republican majorities in the New Hampshire Legislature. Here is my record on this issue:
Voted against the 24-week abortion ban in 2021
Co-sponsored the repeal of the 24-week abortion ban in 2022
Voted for an exemption to the 24-week abortion ban for fetal fatal anomalies in 2022
Co-sponsored the Access to Abortion Care Act which would codify safe access to abortion care in NH up to 24 weeks in 2022
Co-sponsored floor amendment on May 5, 2022, to re-introduce the language to the Access to Abortion Care Act in 2022
Voted against repeal of the abortion care center "buffer zone" law in 2022
A piece of good news is that my bill, SB419, was signed into law last week. This legislation establishes a commission to examine the delivery of public health in NH, in particular with an eye to strengthening the system involving our 13 public health networks
Unfortunately, the Governor signed HB1178 into law. This is a bill I voted against that would prohibit New Hampshire from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This legislation sets a dangerous precedent - creating a situation where a state or even local government picks and chooses what order and federal laws they will and will not follow.
We have a busy week ahead of us. Tonight, I will be providing a report to the Upper Valley Democrats on the legislative session that just wrapped up. You will find me throughout the district this coming holiday weekend, including the 4th of July Parade in Hanover!
At this moment, it is crystal clear how high the stakes are this November, and what's on the line in the Statehouse. The work is here in NH. I will - we will together - spend the next few months speaking with our friends and neighbors, knocking on doors, and keeping up the fight for progress. The work continues.
I am grateful to have you with me each and every day.
Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5
P.s. It is time to start putting out yard signs! Will you help? Respond to this email, and we'll get you a yard sign this weekend. Thank you so much for helping us increase our visibility throughout the district!