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Dear Friends, 

It's hard to believe that it has been close to two weeks since the draft decision was leaked from the United States Supreme Court revealing that the Justices plan to overturn Roe vs. Wade, endangering the rights of women to make their own reproductive care decisions.  With this, states will be left to regulate this matter, and we have every reason to be concerned about how the NH Legislature will respond. 

Last week, NH Senate Democrats led an effort to repeal the 24-week abortion ban signed into law by Governor Sununu last year and to codify abortion care in New Hampshire statute.  This effort to codify the provisions of Roe vs. Wade failed in a 12-12 vote in the NH Senate on May 5.  Sadly, we stand to lose even more ground than was once thought. 

It is clear at this point that a majority of NH's elected officials don't trust women and their care providers to make their own decisions. In addition to the first ban on abortion care on the books in NH (24-week ban effective January 1, 2022), we are now facing a repeal of the protective buffer zone for women and their families attempting to enter a reproductive care clinic in NH.   I won't stand by and watch the systematic dismantling of my rights and the rights of my daughter and all Granite State women.  We must lean in.  We must fight every day until we can assure that women have access to safe and legal abortion care.

I am asking for your support.  

Please join the NH Senate Democrats on May 18th at 7pm for our Reproductive Rights Rapid Response ZOOM Fundraiser. With YOUR help, we can win back the majority and STAND with the overwhelming majority of Granite Staters who support access to safe and legal abortion. 

Please stay tuned for an announcement of our SPECIAL GUEST! You can get your tickets here

Your support is urgently needed and greatly appreciated. 

In Solidarity, 

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5

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Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. 

6 Batchelder Ave, West Lebanon, NH 03784. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal  Agent.

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